Sunday, March 15, 2009


Friday I received a phone call, guess what? The DDD hotline was returning the phone call I had made to them TWO AND A HALF WEEKS AGO. They were happy to inform me that services will be restored now, and they are sending out letters, and if I wanted to I could look at the statement on their website.

My answer? I know already.

I had a few questions though, here is what I asked and the response:

How long will this injunction last?
We don't know. It's possible it could last indefinitely.

Indefinitely? Really? What about the appeal? What date is that scheduled for? Doesn't that depend on the outcome of the appeal? What is the plan until then?
We really don't know. All we know is that for now we have restored services, we really don't know what is going to happen.

What date is the appeal scheduled to be heard?
We don't know.

What is the plan until the appeal? Are you looking at any plans or making arrangements in case it goes through?
No plan really, we have restored services for now.

My son is on AHCCCS, and has private insurance. I was attempting to make arrangements to try to have his providers bill both private insurance and AHCCCS as well to pay for some of his therapy because it is medically necessary, and they probably should have been paying for it anyway in the first place under EPSDT, have you looked at that if DDD is having budget problems? Are you going to work on assisting us and providers to help make a transition so we don't loose services if the injunction is overturned?
It's a moot point now, because we have restored services, they will continue so as long as you have services you really don't need to do that, but you can if you want to.

That was the gist of it. I'm not surprised they don't know anything, if they do, they aren't saying it. According to them there isn't any further info. What I can tell you is that the court minutes indicate that there is going to be an "in-person status conference" on April 15th at 5pm, which ironically they could have told me because it is public information anyone can look up.

I hate to pessimistic, but I feel if I prepare for the worst, I won't be disappointed. My personal plan is to still look into trying to have my son's providers bill his AHCCCS plan for services if they are willing to, I can't really force them, but it might be a good idea to be prepared, and see if that is an option in case something weird happens the next time everyone goes to court. I view it as kind of a safety net for us, just in case.

I am also planning on going through with the due process hearing, just in case. It's not like DDD voluntarily restored services, or they changed their minds about it, they were forced to do so by court order, so really I want the decision to remove his services overturned.

Does anyone know if DDD gets any of the Medicaid money from AHCCCS for providing medically necessary services for children in their program? AHCCCS is required to provide those services under EPSDT, I think DDD should get a piece of that funding since that is really what that funding is for, in fact, if they don't I would hope they take another look at it, it would be a good way to secure some extra dollars.


  1. Michelle,
    I encourage you and anyone else who is reading your blog to join the yahoo group -

    I am learning more and more each day. How to write our system complaint letters, the key words to use. I just found out today to request your childs records pursuant to FERPA and to get those records you can email your support coordinator. They must provide them within two weeks of your request. Otherwise you will not have the upper hand or any hand when going through a due process hearing.

  2. I'm on it, it is a very helpful site.

  3. I haven't called yet, but I will FYI I was just going over the procedural safeguards manual, and on page 5 it says you have the right to "prohibit the introduction of any evidence at the hearing you have not been shown or given at least five days before the hearing"

    I plan on using my son's IFSP, PT, OT, DSI and Speech Therapy reports, if they bring in something else, according to the book I can prohibit it's introduction. At some point, I will probably contact the SC and request anything I don't have.
