I'm still waiting for my hearing to be scheduled. I did receive a call from AZEIP wanting to know if I still wanted to go through with the hearing since my son's services are continuing because of the injunction. I asked if DES/DDD changed their mind about whether or not to cut his services, the answer was no, they were just calling everyone to verify that they still wanted to continue with the hearing, even if services were in place, be careful and keep in mind that they ONLY reason services are in place now is because DES/DDD is being FORCED to do so by a court order, without that order, we wouldn't have anything. I did say I wanted to continue with the hearing, I would advise everybody to do the same.
Has anyone had their hearings scheduled or had a hearing yet?
I never received the letter that they were supposed to send out per the order that indicates services are being restored because of the injunction, has anyone else?
I got my letter today.