Friday, March 6, 2009

Contact with AZEIP

I spoke with a representative at AZEIP today on the phone because I had mailed in a complaint letter last week, and I told her about the letter I recieved from DES discontinuing my son's services without a meeting, my knowledge, consent, or reasonable written notice. She asked if there was an IFSP in place, because the state is required to provide those services, which we do. She told me the following:
  • I have the right to file a complaint and request a hearing. It is helpful to list specific complaints, i.e. service reduction without a meeting, not meeting IFSP goals etc. and you believe this is a violation of IDEA part C. This has to be in writing and signed.
  • I also have the right to file a system complaint if I believe that this is occuring to other parents and is a "system" problem, they are obligated to launch and investigation into the matter once they recieve a complaint. This also has to be in writing.
  • Document that the letter states that this sudden reduction is due to budget shortfalls and that to your knowledge this is not a legal reason to discontinue services
  • They have 30 days to schedule the hearing, they can schedule this hearing by phone
  • The 30 day timeline starts the day they recieve the complaint letter
  • It is also helpful to forward them a copy of the IFSP, otherwise they have to get it from your caseworker, I sent them my son's

I would encourage everyone to contact their local AZEIP office, discuss that your options and rights are with one of their representatives and decide the best course of action for you. They did allow me to fax an additional complaint letter and a copy of my son's IFSP.

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