Friday, May 1, 2009

How to Make Sure You Still Have Services - Keep Up With Due Process Hearings

I just wanted to add a blurb about the importance of the due process hearings again. I've heard that a number of parents choose to cancel them due to services remaining in place because of the injunction (that and some of the phone calls AZEIP made which gave some parents a false sense of security that their services would remain in place)

If you don't know if you still are supposed to have a hearing, call AZEIP and find out, if not find out what you need to do to get the ball rolling again. Remember, according to the books, services have to stay in place until the hearing, and if scheduling is going the way mine is (it has been over 60 days) services could remain in place for a while.


  1. Hi, I have filed for a due process hearing as well, even though my services in place. But even after the injunction was lifted, I contacted my DDD rep and she says that my services are still safe. Now I am wondering if it has to do with where I live, I am in Sedona. But at this time, I am actually adding more services for my son Niko. I will keep you informed as to what is hapopening up here. Lisa

  2. Hi Lisa! I just wanted to clairify. I 'm not sure if you have heard yet, but the injunction was lifted, so services are not "safe" nobody is sure what the result of the due process hearings will be but you will still recieve services prior to the hearing, I would recommend that you still have the hearing, the state needs to hear from us, and what they attempted to do to us and our children needs to be officially documented.
