Friday, May 1, 2009

The Court has Granted the State's Appeal

If the AZ Republic is accurate, it looks like the State court has granted the State's appeal to remove the injunction, no word yet as to how this is going to effect things or what is happening, I will do some research and keep everyone posted, there are some other lawsuits in place that might also effect services. Here is a link to the article:

Meanwhile, I am still waiting for my due process hearing, it is almost 60 days since my request, 30 days overdue. My advice for now is to not panic just yet, wait for some more info to come out, and if you have requested a hearing and it has not been scheduled, call and check on the status of it. If services are removed again, and no hearings scheduled even though you applied for due process, try contacting the Department of Education Civil Rights Division, they might let you file a civil rights complaint. You can find contact info here:

I'm not sure if these judges are elected or not, if they are I personally am going to try to find out their names, and actively campaign against their relection for the next term, most people don't pay attention to their names on the ballots, I will make sure they do this time if this is the case, if they are going to make these decisions, then they should be held accountable and loose their positions because this is definelty not the will of the general public that put them there.

Maybe we should organize another protest either in front of the courthouse or in front of the Governor's office instead of the Capital building, any ideas?

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