Thursday, January 27, 2011

Arizona's Tragedy

I did want to take some time to send out my heartfelt condolences to the families that lost loved ones in the shootings in Tucson and my best wishes to those recovering.

I think that this needs to be a time to bind people and make us closer as a community, and realize that PEOPLE are what is most important in these trying economic times. We need to take care of each other better. Everyone is a community and we all have that responsibility. I know there has been a lot of pontification and I told you so going on, and that is not what this is about at all.

We cannot go back, we cannot undo what has been done, and blaming others is unproductive.

What we can do is examine what happened, ourselves, and our community, and ask the question of what we can do to prevent these tragedies? What can we do moving forward? How can we help families that are connected to and trying to help those whom are sick and mentally ill BEFORE they become dangerous? How as a community and a State should we treat these individuals families so they won't be afraid to come out of the shadows until it's too late?

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