Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Good News! Victory! Well, sort of...

The following is posted on the DES DDD site:

NEW Early Intervention Update: The Department of Economic Security plans to continue providing early intervention services to eligible children and their families for the 2010 state fiscal year (July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010).

Here is the link: https://egov.azdes.gov/cmsinternet/main.aspx?menu=96&id=2454

Of course, you can't see it unless you know to look for it, because the only statement on the main DES homepage says this:

Early Intervention UPDATE The Department of Economic Security will not reduce early intervention services to eligible children from birth to age three and their families in state fiscal year 2009 (July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009) as a result of Senate Bill 1001.

Stupid? Absolutely! Surprising? Unfortunately not.

I'm not holding my breath waiting for a letter in the mail either, I wish they could think of some formal way of notifying families, it is not respectful or fair to any of us to just put a blurb that isn't even on their homepage, I just don't get it, they can find the money to notify us they have no money, but can't find the money to notify us that they do have money.

I just don't get it, I really don't, our taxes pay their salaries, to be honest I don't feel that we should be treated like this, after what they have put us through the LEAST they could do is send out letters or even have our caseworkers call us to give us an offical word, but NO! All they will post a little sentance on their site that you can't even see unless you look for it.


Well, it is bittersweet, I'm thrilled and relieved that the funding has come through and the program is no longer in danger, but on the other hand, I'm extremely disappointed yet again as to how this is being handled.

Maybe I'll call my elected officials for old time's sake and complain so they can make a note of it.

Maybe if we all do, they might at least be willing to send out letters or even call us. Who knows?

As far as this blog goes, I will have to do some thinking as to where to take it from here, I do want to help everyone and get more info out there, so it might become more research based, I would love to have anyone contribute any articles if they would like to do that as well.

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